Radio Telemetry

Timber Line provides a full range of telemetry solutions featuring products from Motorola, Allen Bradley, SCADAPac, Xetawave, and Banner. We provide single or multiple communication paths via licensed frequency radio, spread spectrum radio, satellite, cellular and DSL.
Timber Line is Colorado’s distributor for Motorola Fixed Data products in the Rocky Mountain area. We stock Motorola parts and service new and existing systems in a five state area.
We start up new computerized SCADA systems every year, and modify, maintain, and upgrade existing systems. Our SCADA support specialists understand all aspects of integrated SCADA systems including radio telemetry, remote site programming, control software databases, and operator interface design.
Off-Grid Power Systems
Timber Line offers design & build services to provide DC power at remote sites. Solar panels, chargers, batteries, and all accessories can be installed in an insulated control panel to supply reliable, consistent power for telemetry and remote sensing devices. Many times a photovoltaic system costs less to install and operate than new AC power service.

TLECC’s Telemetry Services
Frequency Licensing Services
- New licenses and renewals
- FCC coordination
Operator Interfaces
- Stand alone computers
- Network computers
- Web-hosted operator terminals
SCADA System Design
- Repeater, Store and Forward, and Redundancy Options
- Specification consulting
Radio Path Analysis
- Terrain profiling
- Intermod studies